
A Sleep-First Mindset

The freedom to live a balanced life

I know to achieve the life I aspire to, means overcoming procrastination, improving my productivity and staying creative. It also means following a sleep-first mindset.

So why put Sleep First?

If I were starting again, adopting a sleep-first mindset would be my priority. Without doubt, it’s been a real game-changer for me. I know that phrase gets used a lot but, that feeling you get when you wake up feeling clear headed and ready to start the day is priceless.

Without a good night’s sleep finding the energy and focus to make any worthwhile gains was tough going.

All that changed after I read Sleep, a book by Nick Littlehales. After the first week my new sleep routines were already delivering small improvements.

nick littlehales book sleep

What started out as "I’ll give it a go", first grew into a routine, and now is a healthy habit. The longer I practiced my new pre-sleep and post-sleep routines, the less tired I was in the mornings. This gave me the momentum and the motivation to keep going.

I gained two hours every morning before work. I was waking up at 6.30am (6am in the Summer), and in the office for 8.30am. I became more productive. Ask yourself what you would do with an hour or two free-time every morning before work?

This new morning routine gave me time to read, catch up with videos and podcasts and time for breakfast. What I left behind; lying in bed thinking about the next day’s jobs at 2am, waking up tired every morning, trips to the bathroom and rushed mornings were archived with the old me.

Marginal Gains

In his book, Nick talks about the attitude elite sports people have towards sleep.

It’s not seen as something separate to their goals of becoming World Champion or setting an Olympic record. Rather it’s seen as integral to maximising marginal gains. A competitive advantage over those not including sleep as part of their training regime.

With that in mind, why should we as creators think and act any differntly?

When we read yet another book, what we’re really doing is looking for that competitive advantage. A hack that will allow us to be more productive, gain more followers.

So yes, I now take sleep seriously and accept the marinal gains it rewards me.

The simple steps that transformed my sleep

Everything I use to get a great night’s sleep is in my free ’Sleep Better in 30 Days’ guide. It offers an introduction to the basics of sleep, hints and tips based on my experiences, how to reverse-engineer your sleep-time based on your ideal wake-time and a printable 30 day challenge to help kick-start your new routine.

I believe that for most of us, it is possible to reset our body clocks and wake up naturally without the need for an alarm clock, if you follow a few simple guidelines.

ebook cover sleep first

Before you download your copy, I must make it clear that I am not a medical doctor and therefore the content in my guide should not be read as a replacement for any professional advice offered to you by a trained physician.

What the content does offer, is how I reset almost 30 years of poor sleep within 30 days. And, how I fine-tuned the process by paying attention to how my body responded to the subtle changes I was making.

Change is possible, all you have to do is be open to trying something new.

Working towards a common goal

The articles I publish on Sleep for Breakfast are my notes, documenting what I’ve learnt about sleeping better, overcoming procrastination and making small daily gains more achievable.

If any of what you’ve read resonates, then perhaps we have a common goal. We want the freedom to work from anywhere we choose. To be financially independent. Be able to take time off to travel, visit friends or simply to relax.

I want time in the day to walk my dog Siddy, to challenge myself at work and publish content that delivers value. It’s about achieving goals and getting things done (GTD), without letting ourselves burn-out. For me, that’s life as it should be. Balanced.

siddy playing in the snow

If you’re not yet enjoying the feeling of waking up after a good night’s sleep, you may find ’Sleep Better in 30 Days’ has some of the answers. You can download a free copy here. If you do download a copy, try the 30 day challenge. Don’t let it be just another guide you read.

pinterest pin - sleep for breakfast

I reset 30 years of poor sleep in 30 days. Here’s how.