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How to make daily progress an achievable outcome.

The single biggest obstacle to progress is; Procrastination. The unnecessary delay of doing something that needs to be done, despite knowing the negative consequences any delay will cause.

I’ve experienced first-hand the consequences of putting things off. From fear of failure, self-doubt and imposter syndrome to perfectionism.

Every Saturday, I’ll be sharing tips and strategies that I use to identify, manage and overcome the paralysis caused by procrastination.

I’ll also be sharing the processes I use to make daily progress an achievable outcome and, discussing the positive effects of sleep on creativity and productivity.

Are you ready to take that next step?

Sleep Better in 30 Days

Sleep has the greatest effect on our mind and body. Far more than exercise, food and water, says Matthew Walker author of ’Why We Sleep’.

Once you experience waking up from a great night’s sleep, that feeling stays with you all day. Your energy levels are higher, you experience greater focus, creativity and productivity.

And, all it takes (for most of us) is learning how to reset our internal body clock.

I've put together a guide explaining how I reset 30 years of poor sleep in less than 30 days. It’s a free download with no subscription required. If you’re interested in improving your sleep, this may help.

Is this Guide for You?

I’m not a medical doctor and therefore the content in my ’Sleep Better in 30 Days’ guide should not be read as a replacement for any professional advice offered to you by a trained physician.

If you feel your body clock simply needs a reset, this guide may help you. Otherwise, please consult with your own qualified physician.